
PR537.300 Professional Practice: Supported Teaching Secondary (10 days)
PR635.300 Professional Practice: Supported Teaching Secondary (25 days)
PR637.300 Professional Practice: Teaching Secondary (25 days)


ES729.306 Major Project

Major and minor study sequence in specialist teaching areas

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

Unit Description

The fourth and final professional experience is a block of 30 consecutive days in a school (secondary), and is during the second semester of the fourth year. The aim for this teaching block is for pre-service teachers to operate as independent yet supervised teachers. The pre-service teachers will ideally move quickly through a team teaching model with the Mentor Teacher and have full control of the class learning environment for at least 25 days. Students will attend a preparation class prior to the placement and a debriefing class after completing the placement, both are on-campus classes.

By the end of this professional experience students are required to demonstrate that they are ‘ready to teach’ by satisfactorily meeting all the Standards for Graduating Teachers after teaching the class for at least 25 consecutive days. The College in consultation with the Mentor Teacher will make the final determination of the student’s capacities.

Mentor Teachers will provide advice and support for the pre-service teachers and will assess their teaching against the National Standards for Graduating Teachers.

As pre-service teachers progress through the Professional Experience, they are expected to demonstrate increasing competence and professional growth. All pre-service teachers are encouraged to become well immersed with school life.

Pre-service teachers are required to incorporate digital technologies in their teaching, learning and administration practices displaying improving personal proficiency.


Unit offerings

Face to face: (Demand based)

Please note

The Unit Offerings listed above are a guide only and the timetable for any year is the final authority. The College may vary offerings based on demand, regulatory requirements, continual improvement processes or other conditions.

This unit may be available in different modes of delivery i.e. online and face-to-face as listed above. The unit content will not differ between these modes of delivery. There will possibly be a difference in the schedule and/or the prescribed assessment tasks, however both will cover and assess the same content.